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Move along, move along

God there are so many things I want to write about, but it’s just hard to find the right words to get them onto paper. Writing doesn't come naturally to me. But lately I feel the need to share with the world my story, my stories, other people's stories, and random things on my mind. But for me, writing is a process. I have to be patient, because sometimes it can take days, weeks, or even months for a piece of writing to be fully complete and represent an idea or event that transpired in detail. And most days I am just making quick notes, jotting down ideas, and brainstorming how to word everything to where they not only make sense, but are somewhat interesting to the reader. But the key is to keep moving along, if I keep going eventually I will get there.

In the meantime, I know I need to keep my blog current and up to date. I posted a blog entry in April and didn't post my next one until November. What happened in between those seven months? Well it looks like I gave up, even though I didn't. To keep this from happening again, I am trying to come up with ways to provide regular updates while I am busy piecing together my main stories.

So I decided I will be creating shorter entries that act as a fun way to give you a more personal look into my mind via favorite quotes, excerpts from articles I’ve read, and anything else that resonates with me. Sometimes it's easier to express yourself through sharing the words of others who I find inspiring or relatable, which, in turn, will give visitors to my blog a chance to discover more about me.

Before you know it, I’ll be back with another great blog entry that you can really sink your teeth into.

© 2017 The Diner Diaries

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